Following The Vision in The Midst of COVID 19
As with everything else during these days, we at Music International have had to adjust our activities since early March. I had literally just returned from a trip to India when the lockdowns began!
But, we have been able to serve musicians even during these days. In March, we sent funds($400.00) off to a friend in Central African Republic so he could purchase guitars for his worship team. This followed right on the heels of our India trip, during which we were able to provide $1000.00 worth of guitars and various equipment for a congregation.
We have, as well, continued our relationship with our Albanian friends, sending off strings, as well as $400.00 to purchase guitars in that country. Since April, we have conducted weekly online guitar lessons with two Albanian students.
We are really happy to now have official Music International Representatives in both India (Ravi Kumar) and Albania (Denis Kopliku, Gloria Korreshi) now! This represents such tremendous growth for us!. Now, there are even more connections, which allow us to serve more musicians in each country.
We are also very grateful to and for our Albanian web designer, Klaudia Killo, who gave our website a whole new design, and will be working further with us in the maintenance of it. Thank you all so very much!
We also still rely on your generosity, for which we thank you again. Keep in mind that you can give securely on our website, as well as through Amazon Smile, and can do either right here on the site. Musicians are still pursuing their goals and we still need to be there for them.

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